We’ve all done it, after the twelfth night when the Christmas decorations are taken down and put back in the attic, we’ve looked around our homes and considered what needs updating and redecorating. The birth of a new year often provokes the need for change and an upgrade, both for ourselves and the environments we live in. It’s important however to remember that a lick of paint or a new sofa might make an instant transformation to the look of your place yet there are more important practical considerations that are best taken care of first.
You might still have single-glazed windows in your home or original sets of replacement windows that are looking a bit tired or past their sell-by date. The key benefits of replacing and upgrading are not as always apparent as other home features, but once all the relevant information is assessed, then you’ll see that the advantages to installing or upgrading double glazing are huge.
What are the Benefits?
It’s important to know that if you do decide to invest in replacement windows that it’s important to choose the best quality double glazing and have them installed by a team of fully qualified and experienced professionals that offer a set of positive testimonials by recent clients and can advise you on the right type and style of windows for your home. The following four key points will help you make an informed decision.
- Energy Saving - This is the most important feature as modern units offer extremely beneficial energy efficient benefits. Modern double glazed units retain more heat inside your home than they let out making them the perfect choice for the British climate, especially if you live in an area near the sea such as Brighton or Hove. As an investment, replacing your windows with good quality double gazing could save you a fortune and in turn the investment could pay for themselves in only a few years.
- Security Check - Its a fact that single glazed windows are very easy to break into, making homes that have them a very easy target for burglars. Double glazed windows, however are much harder and more time consuming to crack, making them a not so attractive option for intruders. Therefore by installing double or the even more fortified, triple glazed unfits you can extra protect your homes.
- Aesthetics - First impressions are what sells a home, and theres nothing more unattractive than rotting, old or worn out window frames. One of the most instant ways of enhancing the appeal of your property is to upgrade your windows. You will be amazed with the transformative results, your home will look as good as new.
- Investment Return - If you were wishing to sell in the future, there is no doubt that a set of new upgraded window units will make your property more sellable.
The Choice is Yours
Remember, it’s important to think about the type of window that is suitable for your home, inside and out. Which is why it’s so important to get the right advice in the first place. Ace Glass will always make it their priority to advise you on how to make the best functional and aesthetic decision to your exact specifications.
For more information on replacement window units contact Ace Glass today.